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The Body And The New Human

"The power of the brain has been severely overlooked. As we find better ways of studying and understanding the brain, we will find that there is much more there than we ever thought. We will realize that the brain is evolving, and is capable of housing more and more of The Consciousness, and that this is in turn creating physical transformation and changes."

"There is ample scientific evidence of the evolution of things and creatures. There is sufficient validation for evolution, for the theory that things evolve. In light of that, why not carry it a step further and allow that the human being is also evolving, that it is possible for the human to change? In years past, experts said that the human couldn’t run any faster than a certain limit, but now athletes are surpassing that limit. If one is receptive to healing, not locked into a concept or belief as to why a disease exists, then one can overcome disease. The body is capable of healing itself. Examples like these indicate that the body is far more capable of change and accomplishment than beliefs would dictate. So why not allow that the body can do far more than is accepted by conditional thinking?

We are connected. Bodies communicate to bodies. There is already much known about pheromones and chemicals that the body releases in different emotional states. This shows the body’s ability to communicate with other bodies without the interference or interpretation of the intellect.

All of this indicates to me that we are in a constant state of evolution, and that the body is evolving. I see that we are coming to a point of drastic change, a quantum leap in human conditioning and human possibility. The new species is being born right out of the material that is already here. So it doesn’t mean that only the next generation will be making this leap. Instead, the body itself, in this moment, can actually become different by activating genetic material that is already present. Recent genome mapping indicates that there is so much genetic material present for which scientists don’t really know the purpose. It seems that there is a lot of unexplained, extra stuff. This could be future stuff, the stuff of evolutionary possibility. So it is important not to limit ourselves. It’s important to allow for the possibility that there is something greater in store for human existence. We could attain a healthier body that is highly resistant to disease, that is more flexible and vibrant. The aging process could be slowed down or even stopped. It’s already been shown that the less stress you experience, the less you age. If we can develop a consistent consciousness of allowing Life as-it-is, not resisting Life, we can considerably reduce the stress in our life and consequently slow down the aging process. It’s possible that we could even reverse the aging process.

The power of the brain has been severely overlooked. As we find better ways of studying and understanding the brain, we will find that there is much more there than we ever thought. We will realize that the brain is evolving, and is capable of housing more and more of The Consciousness, and that this is in turn creating physical transformation and changes.

So the new human is what we are becoming as we realize a greater connection with all of Life, seeing that the whole of the earth is in that connection, and that everything is The Consciousness manifesting itself in all its unique expressions. This is not limited. It doesn’t have a ceiling. We live, moment by moment, in unlimited possibilities. If we dare to access them, if we dare to transcend how things have been, transcend superstition and beliefs and concepts “about,” if we dare to move beyond these things, then we can experience far more of human capability and possibilities. I see that the purpose of The Consciousness is to develop an expression of itself which becomes continually more and more unlimited, more capable, more expansive, more connected. We are the outcome of this already, and we continue to evolve and become."

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